... I have seen the trees
I have seen the willow leaves dancing in the breeze
I've seen a man killed by his best friend
And lives that were over before they were spent
I've seen what I was and I know what I'll be
I've seen it all there is no more to see..."
That song is titled "I've Seen It All" courtesy of Radiohead and Bjork. Its a little unusual when you listen to it. Anyway, about the song.. I have seen those stuff in the lyrics; of course except the said murder xD whahaha..
There's something that I can't live without for a even a measly day. That would be my trusted friend, my glasses.
I got mine when I was grade six. Failing marks in my quizzes showed up, so I was made to visit the ophthalmologist. I hesitated a little, since I would look like a nerd (I also had braces for that matter >,<) But then, when I got them, I noticed something. It seems that it frames my eyes. I love it.
I needed to get used to the glasses really quickly because the next day was Monday. I don't want to go tumbling down the stairs and get stomped on by the mob of students running for class. Public humiliation was one of my worst nightmares. =))
After graduating from my elementary years, my next problem was this: High School!! xD
“Freshman. At a Science high school. I wonder what people look like. I guess there wouldn’t have much kids wearing glasses and braces at the same time.” That was one of the stuff wondering in my head a day before classes. I was wrong. There were students… many of ‘em… wearing glasses. And braces. ”Cool! I ain’t alone here.” I thought. “Hope I can make much friends.”
And I did. Close friends in fact. We enjoyed our time and made tight bonds. Went through troubles and triumphs, and even had fun!
Ei, gotta go clean my glasses. See ya!