Saturday, March 26, 2011

March-ing On. (Pun intended.)

Okay, that was a baaad pun. Anyway, on the process of drawing/ signing/ writing random or important things. Important, being to collaborate with Lauren on his stories as his part-time illustrator. Hey, how about that? :] Yeah, it takes time, but hey, I have progress on it. ^^ Pretty good.

We (Lauren and I) have been worrying about the sudden occurrence of those killer quakes around the area of the Ring of Fire. Well, for the fact that I live less than ten kilometers from the fault line (he said that) I'm keeping my hopes up that everything would be alright. And yeah, we survived the great flood courtesy of Typhoon Ondoy. So, we'll try lo live against this quake next. Me crazy? It's called optimism.

He gave me a book about transportation evolution entitled Travel Through Time, provided by Eyewitness. It is published by Henderson Publishing, and I like it. :D It's small, around 6" x 4" but really informative.

It's about summertime, but I still don't feel it. :/ Apparently we still have school for a week, clearance week. -________- ugh.

You'd notice that I'm free-blogging lately. Yeah, I don't have much to tell formally or whatever.